The Vineyard Data Quota Study assessing the supply of wine worldwide.

What we study.

We study the worldwide supply of wine by investigating data covering:

  • Vineyard surface area.
  • Grape yields.
  • Financial investment policies regarding new vineyard schemes.
  • Tax incentive policies for vineyards to help production.

More on the history of vineyard data measurement.

Vineyard data measurement has evolved significantly over the centuries.

In the longer distant past, measurements were primarily done by hand and were reliant on the experience and judgment of the vintner.

How to ascertain the ripeness of a grape?

Let's go back and work forwards. In the eighteenth century the first instrument to measure the ripeness of grapes was developed and was known as the Baume hydrometer. This device measured the amount of sugar in grapes, allowing the vintner to estimate the potential alcohol level of the wine.

In the twentieth century, viticultural science became more advanced, and tools such as refractometers, pH meters, and thermometers were developed to measure more precise aspects of the vineyard.

Testing the ripeness of grapes by computer.

With the development of computer technology, vineyard data measurement has become even more precise and sophisticated, allowing vintners to make precise decisions about the grapes and their wine. The software programmes used in the modern day can systematically compute the optimal harvest time for a particular vineyard.

Some more about our work.

Below we have some frequently asked questions about Vineyard data analysis work that we study.

What is our role in vineyard data research?

Vineyard analytics uses a variety of techniques to extract insights from data. We analyze large amounts of structured and unstructured data, build predictive models and algorithms, and communicate our findings to stakeholders. We also create processes and tools to monitor and analyze that data.

Frequently asked questions.

  • What analysis methods do you study?

    We study many techniques incluing, but not limited to:

    1. Visual Analysis: This method involves examining the physical characteristics of the wine such as color, clarity, and viscosity.
    2. Chemical Analysis: This method involves measuring the chemical components of the wine such as alcohol content, acidity, and sugar levels.
    3. Sensory Analysis: This method involves tasting and smelling the wine to evaluate its flavor, aroma, and texture.
    4. Spectroscopy Analysis: This method involves using a spectrometer to measure the light that reflects off the wine to determine its chemical composition.
    5. Molecular Analysis: This method involves using molecular tools such as mass spectrometry to analyze the molecular structure of the wine.
  • How are grapes generally quantified?

    Grapes can be quantified by weight, volume, or number of individual grapes.

    The category used will depend upon what the figures are used for.

  • How many grapevines can you grow from one acre?

    This can depend on the climate of the region. In high temperature regions you may see vine rows at 7 ft apart and a total count of over 1,300 vines per acre.

    However, in cooler climates the total number of vines per acre can be less than a thousand.

    Always be sure to take expert advice on this issue if ever considering investing oin a vineyard. analysis methods
